Bread Label Deception

Truth be told, manufacturers know how to label their products to make them look healthy when they may not be the best choice for consumption.

Doesn’t “unbleached wheat flour” sound healthier than “refined white flour” to you? Well, it really isn’t much better.

We have always been told that wheat bread is better than white bread, but why? White bread comes from wheat flour. You may have heard the saying, “the whiter the bread, the quicker you’re dead,” and have chosen to avoid white bread.

The truth is that even some of the most healthy and pure eaters may have been duped by the label game.

For example:
Artisan Breads: Our breads are made using traditional artisan techniques combined with the best local, organic, and natural ingredients we can find. We start with four basic ingredients; Unbleached Wheat Flour, Water, Sea Salt, and naturally occurring yeast. Thanks to our very own sourdough starters; our dough experiences a long, natural fermentation process to encourage the naturally occurring yeast.

This sounds pure and healthy, right? Well, truth be told, it is just another bread with refined flours.

What about the word “organic” added to the unbleached flour? Still refined and lacking nutrition.

In choosing bread, you will want to seek out the words WHOLE GRAIN.

Be careful with labels like “100% wheat” – this means the only grain in the product is wheat, but it might not be whole wheat. “Multigrain” means that the product contains several different grains, which could be whole, refined, or a combination!

As you remove white flour and non-whole grain products, remember to keep an eye out for other additives in whole grain products. Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, canola oil, soybean oil, preservatives, etc., can still be added into whole grain products like tortillas, breads, and cereals.

You can see it takes a lot of work to weed through the packaging deception.

This chart should help.

If you have not already read the blog post about the dirt on white flour, be sure and check it out.

Coming up next is information about sprouted grain products.


  1. Faith Arnspiger on November 1, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    Would like to join.

  2. Judy on November 1, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    Love it

  3. Liane McNeil on November 2, 2017 at 2:15 am

    Love the breakdown it make label research so much easier knowing what to look for.