Clean Eating – Back to Basics
I just got back from a wonderful women’s retreat. It was a weekend filled with worshiping God, learning more from His Word, chatting with girlfriends and, of course, an abundance of not-so healthy foods! Even though the speaker told us that retreat calories don’t count, the number on my scale this morning proved otherwise. But I know I just need to get back into my clean eating lifestyle and that extra weight will come right off.
At one of our meals, one of my new friends shared how she lost a lot of weight this year. She said she had done it by eating clean! She not only looked good, she glowed from the inside out. Another gal at the table asked what eating clean meant, so I thought I would revisit this subject in this today’s post.
Eating clean is consuming foods as close to their natural state and you can get them. Going back to the basics like those in the Bible days, or even how our grandparents ate. It’s just one of the reasons Little Choices Matter team picked “Back to Basics” as our tagline. When you eat clean you need to go back to the basics and stay away from all pre-packaged, processed foods or fast food. This also means no fatty, fried, processed, or sugary foods/beverages. You consume only fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (gluten wheat-free options available) and lean proteins. Many who eat clean don’t count calories, but instead eat to hunger and consume only good quality, healthy food. Eating this way will allow you to eat more and consume less calories. How great does that sound?
I could go on and on with ideas for clean eating. Would you help me, help others and leave your favorite ideas in the comment section below? Don’t forget to subscribe for more healthy updates (See right sidebar!) Here are just a few I’m thinking of right now:
Food Choices
Eating things like lean protein – chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, tofu, eggs etc. (I personally avoid pork – Many of the animals God calls unclean have parasites that would sicken or kill humans)
Eat a variety of fruits and veggies – Make your day colorful!
Choose whole grains over processed – I love wheat and gluten free quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice, etc.
Consume healthy fats – nut, avocado, coconut oil, etc.
Beverage Choices
Choose water or tea. Add some lemon for extra detoxing of the liver
Drink citrus drinks to burn fat. Here are some great recipes.
Drink rice, almond and coconut milk – Many people who live a clean eating lifestyle don’t consume any dairy products because they can clog up our systems.
Make juice with your own fruits and vegetables. If you do purchase juice make sure you chose one without added sugars or preservatives.
Snack choices
Fruits, celery, snap peas etc. dipped in peanut butter or hummus.
Healthy Trail Mix
My favorite – Healthy popcorn
More Snack ideas & recipes
This website is designed and inspired by God to help you get back to the basics and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Click here for more tips on how to move over to a healthier lifestyle.
There are many resources available for eating clean. Here are a few of my favorite sites:
Clean Eating Magazine
The Eat Clean Diet
The Paleo Diet