Detox by Rebounding
Rebounding is one of the healthiest forms of exercise and has numerous benefits. Rebounding stimulates the metabolism, burns calories, and reduces body fat while increasing the body’s energy levels. It’s the only type of exercise that strengthens, cleanses, and tones every cell in your body all at once!
The simple movement of bouncing can not only help you lose weight, it, more importantly, removes toxins from your body. Rebounding removes acidity by draining the toxins through your lymphatic system which is key for detoxing those toxins out.
Rebounding will improve your pH balance by lowering acidic levels and making you more alkaline and healthy. This will not only aid in detoxing, but it will also help you lose weight.
This simple movement can be done 15 minutes a day or even as a little as 2 minutes several times a day. If you are not physically capable of bouncing you can also sit on the rebound trampoline and bounce and get the same detox effect by bouncing from a seated position.
Give Rebounding a try and enjoy the benefits of this great form of exercise with the added benefit of toxin and fat removal.
There are many affordable trampolines to purchase even some with bars attached for those who need a little help with balance.
Thank you for posting the link for purchasing the exact same rebounder that you have. I just ordered mine as well. Can’t wait to get in shape. You guys motivate me so very much. Also, Thank you for the $100.00 that I won last night. It is my first monies to go towards my Africa Mission trip this summer. GOD is so good.