How YOU can consume beet juice every day!
If you can’t do beets and beet juice because it tastes too “earthy” for you then this is the post for you! I’m not a big fan but I know the benefits so I have found ways to consume it—and enjoy it. In our last post, we covered they why, the benefits of beet juice. If you haven’t read it yet, you can read it here.
There are a number of ways you can consume beets, roasted, salads, soups, relish, and smoothies just to name a few. But today I want to talk more about beet powder and juice.
While you can certainly juice your own beets, I was not going to go through all those steps, especially since I had to let my favorite juicer go when we downsized. I’m a huge advocate for juicing and loved it when I did it but in the season of life I am in right now, it makes more sense to find other means to get the many benefits of juicing into my diet.
So, for this post, I’m going to share what I have used—and loved.
I also have Beet Root Powder as a staple in my pantry. It still has a slightly sweet, earthy taste but works great adding it to your recipes. Here are some of my favorite ways to use the powder:
Mix in smoothies
Add to my green or oolong tea
Add to a bottle of Bai
Sprinkle over rice
Added to my quinoa bowls
Blended in organic yogurt along with other fruits
Blended in hummus
Mixed in chia seeds and water then add to your favorite beverage.
Add to whatever I’m drinking during a cleanse or a fast.
Mix with almond milk and honey. I also love to add a few other seasonings like nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger then heat it up for a warm winter treat.
The other thing I love to do is to have this Beet Juice in my fridge. On those days I need an extra energy or brain boost, I simply mix it in a glass with other juices. Super easy and takes away the earthy taste it can have.
I mix it with lemon, soothing ginger, cucumber, apple, pomegranate, orange, celery, and carrot juice. If you buy premade juice, make sure you check your ingredient labels!

Be creative!
Share how you like your beet juice or a favorite recipe below!