Importance of B6
New Series on a breakdown of all the “B” Vitamins. Many take B complex or concentrate on B12 for energy but did you know taking b6 with B12 will help B12 absorb? Why all the different B’s? Today we will look closer at B6 and its health benefits.
B6 is necessary for breaking down amino acids that turns protein to energy. It also helps with your metabolism. It is an essential vitamin for premenstrual syndrome. B6 combined with magnesium is an important part of your hormone therapy schedule. Vitamin B6 is essential to maintaining the body’s hormonal balance and supplementation with B6 may be helpful in restoring estrogen levels to normal. B6 also reduces water retention and increases oxygen flow to the female organs. Studies have shown that B6 may help reduce premenstrual weight gain and reduce the severity of other symptoms. Magnesium deficiency causes a shortage of dopamine, a mood regulating chemical, in the body. This shortage may be responsible for some of the emotional symptoms of PMS such as tension and anxiety. The combination will help alleviate PMS symptoms.
Other benefits:
promotes health skin
reduces muscle spasms
leg cramps
hand numbness
nausea & stiffness of hands
Red blood cell formation
Immune system
Vitamin B6 is widely distributed in foods such as chicken and the liver of beef, pork and veal. Good sources include fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, herring), nuts (walnuts, peanuts), bread, corn and whole grain cereals.
A deficiency of vitamin B6 alone is uncommon, because it usually occurs in combination with a deficit in other B-complex vitamins, especially with riboflavin deficiency, because riboflavin is needed for the formation of the coenzyme PLP. A dietary deficiency state showing definable clinical deficiency symptoms is rare, although recent diet surveys revealed that a significant part of the following population groups have B6 intakes below the RDA: Read full article
pregnant and lactating women (additional demands)
most women in general, especially those taking oral contraceptives
the elderly (due to lower food intake)
underweight people
chronic alcoholics
people with a high protein intake
As with all supplementation consult your doctor. Not having the right combination of levels and supplementing one and not getting a good healthy balance can throw off something else. It is best to have annual exams and lab work drawn and discuss supplementation with your doctor. It may be better to boost only during high hormone times vs long term daily use and this is something to discuss at your next PAP/Annual exam.
That looks good.. Is there a recipe for it..