Incredible Edible Eggs are Great for Cleansing the Liver

While many people have removed whole eggs from their diets due to high cholesterol levels, studies show that eggs contain numerous nutrients that may help lower the risk for heart disease, including protein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin, and folate. (Source) Eggs are also a good source of the fat-soluble vitamins A and D and contain essential fatty acids.
One reason to eat eggs is that they are an excellent quality protein. They contain amino acids to build up lean body/muscle mass. Actually, the protein in eggs may be the best kind of protein for your muscles. This makes eggs a good protein source for weight loss and aging.
While there are so many great nutritious reasons to eat eggs, my favorite reason is for their ability to aid in weight loss. They are low in fat and contain only 70-80 calories each. (I’m not a calorie counter so that’s for those of you who are!)
Because eggs rich in lecithin and sulfur compounds, they are great for cleaning the liver. Since our liver is our main fat burning organ, it’s important to keep it clean. Lecithin intervenes with the body’s ability to form fat deposits as well as help clean out the liver. The yolks have “scrubbers” in them that help scrub away toxins and break up fats in the liver. When cooking eggs, don’t cook or break yolk at high temperatures.
Buy organic eggs from grass-fed and free-range chickens. They get plenty of fresh air, fresh grass, and exercise. Conventionally raised chickens are fed grain/corn and due to their living conditions, chickens are often given antibiotics to keep them healthy. These items are not the diet God intended them to eat. The same goes for eating the birds themselves. Grass-fed chickens have less fat, fewer calories, and contain higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been linked to easier weight loss and reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.
I understand that purchasing organic, grass-fed eggs (or chicken) is more expensive, so if this is an issue for you, consider consuming smaller portions and fill up with other protein sources such as quinoa, legumes, etc.