Medicinal plants that can fight the COVID-19 virus!
A recent study assessed the structural ability of a host of flavonoids to inhibit this coronavirus by acting on the main protease 3CLpro.
Researchers found that many flavonoid compounds have similar molecular structures and biological actions as Nelfinavir, an antiviral drug with promise as a pharmacologic therapy for COVID-19.
The researchers suggest that kaempferol, quercetin, luteolin-7-glucoside, demethoxycurcumin, naringenin, apigenine-7-glucoside, oleuropein, curcumin, catechin, and epicatechin-gallate in medicinal plants may inhibit 3CLpro (structure of the Corona virus).
By consuming these medicinal plants you can fight the virus!
- Sources of kaempferol include: Spinach, cabbage, dill
- Sources of kaempferol include: Spinach, cabbage, dill
- Sources of quercetin include: Dill, fennel leaf, onion, oregano, chili pepper
- Sources of luteolin-7-glucoside include: and apigenine-7-glucoside: Olive, start fruit
- Sources of demethoxycurumin and curcumin include: Turmeric
- Sources of naringenin include: Citrus fruit
- Sources of oleuropein include: Olive
- Sources of catechin and epicatechin gallate include: Green tea