The Many Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Cauliflower belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables. Belonging to this group indirectly asserts a vegetable to be of high nutrition value. Cruciferous vegetables, according to scientists, are those vegetables that somehow help fight cancers and some other life-threatening diseases. Typically nutritionists advise to avoid foods that are white in color, such as sugar, rice, white bread etc. but cauliflower is the one white food that you can eat and feel good about it!


Cauliflowers contain a high content of Glucosinolates which trigger the detoxification system of the body. Without a properly functioning detoxification system our cells are exposed and can turn cancerous. Studies have revealed that cauliflower is a great source of potassium and a chopped flower contains about 320 mg of potassium in only 27 calories, this is amazing because most potassium rich foods and vegetables have higher numbers of calories. The proper functioning of the body like heart beat and the hydration system require an adequate quantity of potassium.


This vegetable also has a high concentration of Vitamin K and Omega-3 fatty acids, both of these prevent inflammation, thus making cauliflower good for those suffering from obesity, ulcers, diabetes and other such inflammatory diseases. Cauliflower has also proved to be beneficial for the digestive system. It has a high content of dietary fiber that cleans your digestive system effectively, apart from that it is also known to protect the lining of the stomach thus reducing the risk of ulcers and cancers.


Among all the vitamins in cauliflower vitamin C is of the highest concentration. Vitamin C is excellent for the brain and skin, widening even further the range of health benefits of this vegetable. Usually when talking about Vitamin C oranges come to mind, people are not aware of the Vitamin C content in cauliflower and thus neglect this vegetable. An average sized orange roughly contains 64 mg of Vitamin C, where as only a cup of cauliflower contains 52 mg of Vitamin C.


Cauliflower is not just a rich source of Vitamin C, but also Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.


When buying a cauliflower make sure that the vegetable is fresh, go for clean and clear white colored flowers without any spots. Avoid dull colored and spotted flowers, because the real nutritional value is in the fresh vegetable.