Tips for finding your passion!

Finding your passion is an important tool in helping you revitalize your diet and healthy lifestyle. This may take some practice and time to find what works for you. We are all different and we need to embrace those differences and learn what our passion is. What do you like to do? What foods do you like to cook? What are you favorites activities? All of these things will help you find your passion in your healthy living.

5 Tips to help you find your passion!

1. Be Open to New Experiences– Do not be afraid of new things. Try cooking something new once a week that you have never tried before. Take a cooking class or join a yoga class. Make it a goal every week to put one new thing on your list to try. This will help you be open to finding the things you love. Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Be better and do better by experiencing new things.

2. Get moving– It sounds easy enough but we are a sedentary generation. Just getting more active will help you stay more flexible and in better shape. Take the stairs, park further back in the parking lot or play your favorite sports game. All these little choices will help you get more active and will breed more activity the longer you do it. Try adding a new activity every month to try something new. You might just love it.

3. Make new friends– Find new energy by hanging out with those who are focused on the same goal. You can look locally for groups who meet for all different reasons and many classes are available for cooking and exercise activities. You will become what you hang around the most, so choose wisely!

4. Make goals– Writing  your goals and visions is key in helping you find your passion and your vision for your life.  You are much more likely to accomplish the things you write down.  Keep a journal with you at all times and write down things as they come to you.  During any given day you may find inspiration in a commercial or driving and see something that inspires you to try something new.  Always write them down so you do not forget them.

5.  Never give up!– The road to your passion is not easy; many people will tell you that they nearly gave up or did give up when searching for their passion.  In order to find your passion, you need to dig down deep and tell yourself that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  Stay focused and take it one day at a time.  There will be bad days but every morning is a new start, so dust yourself off and start again.
