Why you Want Sprouts and Microgreens in your Diet
Have you ever felt exhausted and overworked in your life? When you put your heart and soul into everything you do, whether at home or work, sprouts and microgreens have the unique ability to support you. These plants will help restore everything that you have sacrificed after all the hard work you did.
What Sprouts and Microgreens Do to Your Body
Sprouts and microgreens are highly adaptogenic and beneficial to our health. They are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, B vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, disease-reversing compounds, and other phytochemicals that charge your body. The most important role that sprouts and microgreens play is to bring back vitality to people who are constantly exhausting themselves for others. So if you are a work-exhausted person, you need to start adding sprouts and microgreens into your diet.
Sprouts & Microgreens for our Skin
Not only does this repair our bodies, but it repairs our beauty as well. And if you are someone who cares a lot for your skin, all I can say is that you take sprouts and microgreens now because it has more than 60 trace minerals which are good for repairing your skin.
Sprouts & Microgreens for Hormones
Did you know that sprouts and microgreens are the ultimate tools for renewing an exhausted reproductive system? It is also a phytoestrogen plant that is critical for rebalancing and restoring hormones. So if you think that you have problems with your hormones, then consuming sprouts and microgreens is what you should help you to restore your hormonal imbalance.
Sprouts & Microgreens for our Brains
Sprouts and microgreens are high in minerals that are involved with neurotransmitter chemical production. This simply means that they support your brain for you to function in your best mental health. They also remove any toxic metal in your brain and rejuvenates and repairs all your lost neurons. They are helpful against Alzheimer’s, dementia, brain fog, and memory loss. It also staves off infections and unwanted cell growth like cancer.
Various sprouts, their roles and when to eat them
• Broccoli sprouts strengthen digestion by raising hydrochloric acid levels.
• Red clover sprouts are soothing as it gently cleanses our lymph and blood, removing toxins and purifying our bodies.
• Radish sprouts are remarkable for their ability to purge the liver.
• Fenugreek sprouts are perfect for supporting our emotions and the endocrine system.
• Lentil sprouts are very dense energetically, high in fortifying protein, and support your energy levels to get done what needs to get done
Don’t forget that sprouts and microgreens are the planet’s natural healers.
• If you are needing an extra energy boost, consume these sprouts earlier in the day: broccoli, radish, fenugreek, kale and sunflower sprouts.
• If you want to relax your nervous system in the evening hours, consume these sprouts later in the day: Bean and lentil sprouts.
How to work these little wonders into your diet.
Sprouts and microgreens are best eaten raw, as they lose their amazing vitamins and enzymes when cooked. Add them to your salads, sandwiches, and wraps. They’re great blended into smoothies and juices as well. You can sprinkle some microgreens on a garnish in almost any dish. They are a quick way to add crunch, color, fiber, vitamins, and those elusive phytochemicals to a meal.
Keep fresh longer: Place the sprouts in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel in the fridge.
Grow your own!
Check out this Two-Tiered Seed Sprouter – Ideal for indoor sprout growing for a healthy snack or addition to any meal! Or this Garden Seed Sprouter Tray
For more life-changing foods we suggest you grab Life-Changing Foods by Anthony Williams (Medical Medium®)