Your choices will determine what you get in your life.

Darren Hardy
“We all come into this world the same: naked, scared, and ignorant.
After that grand entrance, the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of the choices we make.
In other words, what you get in life is what YOU create. It doesn’t matter which area—food, fitness, faith, financially. If you don’t like where you are in life, it’s YOUR fault. Not your parents, your spouses, or your boss’ fault.
YOU are creating—or tolerating —your current circumstances.
EVERY input activates your mind and your thought process so what you are allowing into your mind matters.
So today, look at where you are and where you want to be. Think about the source code of what you are allowing into your mind and your mouth!
Are you making choices to propel you forward?
Do what you can to remove the negative and be purposeful about what you allow into your life. Change can be good, and maybe it’s time you change a few things.
Change where you shop. Stick to the outer areas of the grocery store and omit the processed foods found through most of the rest of the aisles.
Change what you watch. Cut down on your TV time and watch things with no commercials or the ability to run through them. Commercials, especially in the evening, show food which can be extra tempting.
And my all means, if you haven’t already detoxed the news out of your life, now is the time. I stopped paying attention to the daily doom and gloom in 2011. I have people who promise to tell me if there is something I need to know. It just gives me negative stories to fret over, killings and robberies to stir up fear, and stories that make my heart race. None of that does me in good in getting me where I want to go in life.
Change what you read. Put down the romance novel and read something (book, blog, post) that will help you make healthier choices.
Change what you listen to. Pay attention to the negative chatter around you or even your own inner dialog telling you are overweight, weak and useless. Always, replace the negative with something positive. Always listen to your body. If someone says you should run 5 miles, but your body says no, then don’t do it, or slowly work up to that goal.
Ask yourself this question, “Is this (current actions, what/who I am listening to, what I am reading, etc.) taking me a step towards my goal, or is this hindering my progress?”