Looking for a dessert that is fast to make and good for you? Here is a quick shake that tastes like cheesecake. One cup of blueberries contains 14 mg of Vitamin C and is filled with antioxidants. Blueberries neutralize free radicals which can affect disease and age in the body. Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid…

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One of my favorite treats is cheesecake. I used to go to the Cheesecake Factory with my face pressed up against the glass trying to decide. But I gave it up a few years ago when I gained a few extra pounds. Okay, more than a few. I adapted this recipe from a South Beach…

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We want you to make wise choices at the grocery store which can be somewhat confusing.  The Greek Yogurt industry has exploded and is becoming mainstream in all the grocery stores.  However, there is good Greek Yogurt and bad.  This new section will help you pick the right foods and make wise choices on your…

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Protein is key for our diets especially if we work out. It’s essential for the development of our muscles. Our muscles work hard for us-burning calories & keeping our metabolism up. If we don’t eat enough protein our bodies steal it from our muscles and organs. It curbs our appetite & balances blood sugar. When…

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