HELP! Who is this woman?

Out of whack, off-balance, racing from tears of agony to tears of joy in no time flat – hormones can leave us with our hands in the air and our heads spinning wondering what in the world just went down. It seems like women tend to take the brunt of hormone issues, from the onset…

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Getting to the ROOT with Black Cohosh

Moodiness…irritability…bloating…hot flashes…abnormal cycles… If these words caught your eye, chances are you may be searching for answers. When our hormones are out of whack, our lives may also feel out of whack. Black cohosh is an “alterative” herb which means it can serve to slowly restore proper function to body systems (by altering or producing…

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Borage: A STAR on the Rise

Also known as the Starflower plant, Borago officinalis (Borage) possesses many other “star” qualities! It is extremely beneficial to many areas of our bodies as a natural balancing agent. It is one of nature’s richest sources of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) which is also known as Omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs). These are important for brain…

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