Detox Treat – Watermelon

Watermelon is a great treat for the whole family and a major thirst quencher on a hot summer day. It is composed of 92% water, which helps to flush out your system. This makes it a good fruit choice when detoxing. Also watermelon is a key source of lycopene, which may help reduce the risk…

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B Happy!

B Vitamins are sometimes called the “Happy Vitamins” as this dietary powerhouse boosts energy levels and enhances the performance of nearly every bodily system. There are eight individual B vitamins, and all are essential for human metabolism, growth, reproduction, general health, appetite, digestion, nervous stability and blood cell formation. Some B vitamins help cells convert carbohydrates…

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Garlic – Restore your health

Years ago, long before I was into diet and health, I had a friend whose mom always smelled strongly of garlic. My guess is she knew of the many benefits garlic has to offer and from the constant odor permeating out of her body, she may of even viewed it as a wonder “drug” taking…

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