Detox Treat – Watermelon

Watermelon is a great treat for the whole family and a major thirst quencher on a hot summer day. It is composed of 92% water, which helps to flush out your system. This makes it a good fruit choice when detoxing. Also watermelon is a key source of lycopene, which may help reduce the risk…

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Vitamin C: The Super Vitamin

For decades, vitamin C has been used to help prevent the common cold. As an antioxidant, vitamin C fights free radicals in the body which may help prevent or delay certain cancers and heart disease, and boost up your immune system. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for immune health, specifically for white blood cells to fight infections. It also enhances iron…

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Free Radical and Antioxidants for Dummies – A Very Basic Explanation

Look at it as a bunch of cells – or molecules or atoms. There are the normal balanced cells, then there are the ones that something has happened and they have become unbalanced or contain unpaired electrons. Free radical is a chemistry term that describes an atomic or molecular species with unpaired electrons on an…

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Help for PMS or Bad Moods

If you are in a bad mood or experiencing moodiness from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) there is a tendency to head to the refrigerator to scavenge for junk food. Research shows that continual bad moods or women who experience moodiness from PMS may have an underlying condition where calcium isn’t used properly by the body during times of…

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Roasted Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

It’s that time of year! Time to buy some Brussels sprouts as late fall is when they are at their best. I recently picked some up at our local farmers market and they were so good roasted! Growing up I hated Brussels sprouts, they were mushy and tasted awful. Then my niece made some roasted ones…

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Health – Healing Ingredients!

Phytonutrients, bioflavonoid and antioxidants should be consumed regularly because they are health-healing and prevent illnesses! It has been said that you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables not only because they are full of vitamins, fiber and minerals but because they also contains phytonutrients, bioflavonoid and antioxidants. These are some of the great compounds…

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