Tea To Cleanse Your Liver & Lose Weight Fast

Turmeric has long been touted as a superfood; thanks to its compound curcumin that is known to have health-promoting properties as well as being loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.  This powerful turmeric tea will help you detox the liver and shed a few pounds! This tea works best with fresh ginger and turmeric but you…

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How to Combat Fatigue with One Easy Drink

I would often find myself saying, “I’m so tired” but I never got to the bottom of my fatigue issues; I just figured I was tired and needed better sleep. Then at one of my epigenetic doctor appointments, my doctor told me I had Adrenal Fatigue. This is not the first time I have been…

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Tea to Help Combat Colds and Reduce Inflammation

Green tea contains flavonoids, which may reduce the risk of a cold and strengthen the immune system. Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant, and all-important in combatting COVID as well as other colds. Green tea is a good source of L-theanine, an amino acid that may aid in the production of germ-fighting compounds in your T…

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Immune-Boosting Ginger Lemon Green Tea

Ginger Lemon Green Tea 2 cups water 2 green tea bags 1 lemon, juiced 1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and chopped 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp honey In a pot over medium heat bring the water, green tea bags, lemon juiced, chopped ginger, cinnamon, tumeric and honey to a boil. Once boiling…

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Simple Pumpkin Smoothie

Beginning your day with a wholesome breakfast will jump-start your metabolism, satiate your appetite, and provide you with energy so that you’ll eat less during the day and be less tempted by holiday treats. Pumpkin Smoothie 1 cup coconut or almond milk 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice 1/2 cup cooked…

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Beet juice benefits and why YOU should drink every day!

Although beet juice is not commonly found on restaurant menus, it’s fast becoming a beverage that should be part of our daily menus. Beets are a dynamic little plant stuffed with nutrients. Beet juice has a number of benefits and can boost your energy levels. full of antioxidants, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and fiber. I’m…

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